Memory Loss Short Term Causes

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New Discovery on Cause of Short Term Memory Loss

Memory Loss Short Term Causes is the subject of this article. Most of us have experienced short term memory loss at some point in our lives, whether it was due to the stress of an important exam or perhaps from too much alcohol consumption the night before. But why does this happen? Why do we forget things so easily?

Well, there are many reasons for these lapses in our short term memory and many of them have to do with the way our brain functions. So, if you are wondering about the cause of short term memory loss, read on to learn more about it!

New Discovery on Cause of Short Term Memory Loss

Memory Loss Short Term Causes Introduction

It’s common knowledge that your memory fades as you get older. But did you know that there are several different types of memory? In addition to long term memory, which involves recalling events and information from the past, there’s also short term memory, which is the ability to remember things you’ve just heard or seen and is what most people refer to when they say they have a bad memory.

Short term memory only lasts for about 10 to 20 seconds without continued reinforcement, but it’s usually quite strong during those 20 seconds!

Medical Conditions

A number of common medical conditions can also lead to short-term memory loss. According to Healthline, these include Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, chronic alcoholism and vitamin B12 deficiency. These conditions can sometimes cause other serious health problems in addition to memory loss; it’s important to seek immediate medical attention if you experience any changes in your mental health.

In some cases, surgery or hospitalization is required. If your physician isn’t able to identify a specific cause for your memory loss, he or she may refer you to a neurologist for further evaluation.

Non-medical Conditions

While age, alcohol consumption and head injuries are all known contributors to short-term memory loss, they’re not generally considered to be primary causes. Some of those non-medical conditions include:

Stressful Situations: It’s no secret that stress can affect your short term memory; when you’re under a lot of pressure it’s common for mental performance to suffer.

Mental Illness: Depression is one of many mental illnesses that have been shown to have an impact on cognitive functions like memory and attention span.

Diagnosing the Cause

One of the easiest ways to solve short term memory loss is to look for a cause. Common culprits include poor diet, lack of sleep and stress. Start by addressing each one individually. Keep in mind that there are other potential causes as well (stress can contribute to depression, hormonal imbalance or issues with short-term memory).

To make sure you’re covering all your bases, it’s important to make an appointment with your primary care physician who will be able to make further recommendations based on your individual needs. More often than not, changes in diet and reducing stress can help resolve issues with memory loss on their own but sometimes medications or supplements may be necessary.

Treating the Causes

Cognitive decline is often associated with age, and many older adults experience memory loss or dementia. In fact, some people are so concerned about memory loss that they try to find natural cures for short term memory loss.

treating the causes of short term memory loss

But before you start chugging coconut oil or popping ginkgo biloba supplements, know that a wide range of medical issues, including psychiatric disorders, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and more can cause memory loss. The best way to treat your condition is by seeing a doctor who can diagnose you and then recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

Things To Keep In Mind While Searching For a Cure

When searching for a treatment, it is imperative to understand that treatments can work differently for different people. It is important to identify what is causing your short term memory loss before trying any kind of treatment because there are many potential causes and treatments for short term memory loss.

Depending on what you find, you may need more than one treatment to reverse your condition. Additionally, some treatments may require you to change your habits and/or lifestyle; others may not be as burdensome. Once you have found a solution that works best for you, stick with it!

Many people do not realize how powerful consistent lifestyle changes can be in repairing damaged neurons (ie: brain cells). If possible and appropriate, ask your doctor about using natural remedies or taking nutritional supplements alongside traditional medications.

How Can I Improve My Short-term Memory?

While you may be surprised to learn that your memory is dependent on a whole network of cognitive processes and skills, you can take steps to help your memory. Writing things down is one of them. It’s pretty simple: If you don’t write something down, it’s likely to slip out of your head quickly.

For example, if you go shopping but don’t jot down a list or snap photos with your phone while you’re at it, there’s a good chance that what was on sale will escape your mind by the time you get home (unless someone reminded you!). To improve your short-term memory for everyday tasks and life in general, make sure to put pen to paper at least once in a while.

Memory Loss Short Term Causes Conclusion

Although there are many types of memory loss, some of which are caused by serious health problems, short term memory loss is usually a result of stress. We’re so used to multi-tasking that it’s easy to run around all day and not take time out for ourselves.

In order to manage stress, it’s important to find ways to relax: yoga, meditation, walking in nature or listening to music are all great ways to relax your mind and get rid of unwanted thoughts. Make sure you set aside a few minutes every day just for yourself so you can relax your body and clear your mind.

This will allow you to keep more focused on tasks at hand and you won’t have as much trouble remembering things in general.

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